Kevin Quach is a designer focused on lettering and typography. Originally from Texas, he now calls Chicago home. He has over a decade of design experience in print and publication work and is available for freelance opportunities.    

During his undergraduate studies, he accepted a fellowship in Germany. The Congress-Youth Bundestag Exchange program is a fellowship that funds 75 American participants, across the United States, and 75 German participants to immerse themselves in each other's culture. He spent 2 months studying German in Cologne, 4 months the taking design classes at the HBKSaar in Saarbrücken and 6 months interning with MAGMA BRAND Design in Karlsruhe. 

He currently lives in Chicago, enjoying the wind and snow. On the rare occasion that he is not designing , he is probably in the kitchen baking pies or cupcakes. He looks forward to working with great people and can be reached at hello [at] kevinquach [dot] com.


// Selected Distinctions

AAUP Books, Jacket, and Journal Show

Creative Summit Honor of Recognitions

AIGA Blue Ridge National Student Show Winner

Brass Ring 24 Gold Medals